About our Airport Service .............

Having trouble with your flight, confuse with the airport condition, waiting long queue at check - in counter, where to wait, getting your flight information, troubled with your baggage or any other difficulties during your existence at the airport. Just contact us to provide services.

Service include :
For further details please call 081 - 551 314 20, 0856 4820 2005, 031 - 60 46 6165, 031 602 555 65 or mail to subairportservice@yahoo.com
Check - in process, Preferable seat, Label baggage, Flight information, Runway view during waiting, Lounge, Last minute Go-Show ticket, Etc.
Up to date information, articles and any progress regard Aviation Industry specially in Surabaya are also available here. Please send us your feedback and comment. Thanks.

Friday, January 2, 2009


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